Judging by George Taylor’s online music presence, it appears that he is some sort of overnight sensation, since only one of his efforts exists in any official form and it appears to be an accomplished one at that. The truth is, however, a little murkier. (Or perhaps not – that makes it sounds like this (presumably) mild mannered Englishman is up to Watergate level shit). Mr Taylor’s sole official effort is, as a little online digging reveals (so yeah, I’m having really fun days atm), only the tip of the iceberg in terms of his recorded material. In fact he’s been active since at least 2014, as a couple of generic acousticy vidoes on external channels reveal.

The fact that he’s removed all trace of these earlier songs from his online presence therefore reveals a new, higher level of judgement than that which he possessed when he wrote those songs. It’s that same judgement which has enabled him to move from those earlier songs – which only offered up the most basic of chord progressions as spice, and instead relied on Taylor’s admirably skilled voice to skip across those basic melodies and carry the song – to the better ground of Give It Up.

Give It Up represents a vast improvement because it balance Taylor’s voice with his music. The employment of additional instruments beyond the sole use of guitar pays off, with piano and backing vocals providing the additional volume in the chorus required to match the vocals of Taylor, and highlight what is a solid melody. The fact that music and vocals work together to contrast against the sparse verse – both in terms of instrumentation and Taylor’s vocal effort – takes him into similar territory as other masters of the soft rock piano/guitar format (Coldplay, Keane, Tom Odell, etc).

If he can continue to produce well crafted songs like this he may well stay in that space. But if you’re late to a trend (whether that’s in Art, Music or whatever) you’re gonna receive less for it than those who have come before. But If George Taylor finds an extra edge on top of what he’s doing, the public might really think of him as a full blown overnight sensation.